Head Space

A celebration of the maternal figure, “Mother” captures the quintessential pose associated with the nurturing instinct - a mother holding her child. But unlike the endless executions of this composition over the centuries, this sculpture concept simplifies the elements to their most basic form. Featureless and tube-like, “Mother” creates a loop of the arms and the child that seamlessly curve into the stoic torso, creating a sleek, modern representation of an iconic form.
“Mother” represents the purely instinctive elements of motherhood, seeking to create a powerful form that reduces the most complex of functions into an image with singular purpose.
“This version of Mother is a wholly different take than the smaller sculpture I created in 2020 out of plaster and encaustic wax. This iteration is really about the simplification of the form. Attempting to marry the power (importance) of motherhood with a sleek, modern application of steel. As in many of my sculptures, the human form is what I am attempting to remake. I am interested in the stylized, instinctive concept of humanity in this piece, and not about portraying the intellectual aspects of humanity, which is why it is headless. The tube-like forms and the slick, brightly-colored surface generates a tension between the most human symbol in mankind and the distortion-free, alien-smooth execution, which reduces the forms to clean, almost algorithmic perfection.”
– Ken Womack